Today’s blog post is for the mamas and the papas of the bride or groom who may be divorced; it’s kind of a short guide on how to handle the day if you have to be in the same room as your ex husband or wife.
This day can be really hard for you, especially if your own marriage did not end well, if there was infidelity, and if you don’t especially like your ex.
The thing is….your child’s wedding day is NOT ABOUT YOU.
There, I said it.
It’s not about you.
It’s not about your divorce.
It’s not about whether or not you like your ex.
Your ex is still a parent to your child, and it’s your CHILD’S WEDDING DAY.
We have seen divorced parents do great! They are nice to each other and can speak amicably.
We have seen divorced parents NOT act so great. We’re not going to call anyone out, but you know who you are.
Do you really want to ruin your child’s wedding day? A day that is supposed to be filled with joy and love, and be the beginning of the happy couples’ new life together? I really hope your answer is “No of course not! I want their day to be amazing!”
Well then put your big boy or big girl panties on and suck it up.
Short and sweet today! Share this if you are getting married and have divorced people in your immediate family. 🙂
Brittany, La Rae, and Sally
the wild gals of Wild Soul Weddings